How the sustainable development goals can achieve peace and security in Africa

how the sustainable development goals can achieve peace and security in Africa

Peace and security in Africa plays a significant role in driving economic growth of nations. Peace and security becomes breached when there is unequal distribution of resources that causes social exclusion and marginalization, leading the youth down a path of desperation and preference for terrorism and violent extremism to survive. The African Union has put measures in place to tackle violence and extremism in Africa through the Continental Early Warning System, the African Union Standby Force and the African Union Peace and Security Council (PSC).

Nevertheless, these measures have not been enough to ensure peace and security in Africa because it does not tackle the underlying problem which is economic marginalisation of the poor. The division of Africa into regional blocs such as the Arab Maghreb Union, East African Community and the Economic Community of West African States makes it a bit difficult for Africa to unite to fight against terrorism and violence. This is because, these regional blocs are mostly concerned about the welfare of its members only and will not be willing to interfere and contribute to the peace and security of other African countries which are not part of their members.

The sustainable development goals can be grouped to a large extent in two categories; social inclusion and economic stability. The sustainable development goals adopted a set of goals in 2015 to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. One key area by which we can achieve peace and security by the sustainable development goals is by strengthening existing institutions such as the judicial, legislative body and human rights institutions to safeguard the rights and privileges of the people. They should not be able to be bought over by wealthy people. When the society feels they are being taken into consideration in decision making processes and are given what they rightfully deserve, they will trust the system and this will leave very little room for agitation. These institutions must also give rise to social inclusion aside safeguarding the rights of the people. This is because, we do not expect the leaders and few rich people in the society to go corrupt, loot the wealth of the people, build empires for themselves, send their children for education abroad and then expect the poor, tattered people who are being oppressed to sit back, grab a bowl of popcorn and clap for them. This is what gives rise to mayhem and violence. People will always want to fight for what they believe is rightly due them.